FUNCTION: Mixed Use (Living, Educational, Working Space)

SITE AREA: 50,000 sqm


Territory / Elevation

Time and again, nothing more than the security of a basic resource such as water has brought awareness of Singapore’s existence to the national psyche. Indeed, the site is a testament to Singapore’s efforts to overcome this vulnerability; with the Marina Barrage the entire bay along with Singapore, Kallang, Geylang and Rochor Rivers had been turned into a freshwater reservoir through a process of natural desalination forming the largest reservoir in Singapore. Our strategy is to use the very element that threatens our survival, Water, as the primary “building material” for the Founder’s Memorial.

Rising out of the reservoir, a continuous towering water screen forms a lucid yet ethereal circular water artefact. Analogous to Singapore, an island state surrounded by water, the water screen establishes a defined yet soft border. Borrowing water from the reservoir for its own existence, the memorial, aligns itself inextricably to the essence of the site. However, beyond merely a symbol of survival, the memorial aims to transform water into emblem for nation building.

Viewing Gallery

From the viewing gallery, visitors first view the famed Singapore skyline being blurred and distorted by the water screen. Every 30mins, the water screen draws open and reveals the clear image of the far bank. Viewing the skyline through the lens of water and hence looking at the success of Singapore in the context of sovereignty, we hope to bring about a deeper realization that our achievements can become precarious if matters of survival and sovereignty are neglected.

One Centre – The People Plaza

The central plaza is envisioned to be an interpretive space centered around the theme of One People. Different art installations can be commissioned over time to refresh this plaza and offer a different perspective on the theme. The installation proposed here is a canopy formed by 6.9 million steel human figures connected to form a space frame. This canopy is suspended above the People Plaza providing shade to the seating below.

The Founders’ Court

The achievement by our founders and pioneers are represented by five lofty “trees” that has their buttressing roots firmly rooted into the ground. These buttress roots form long seats and benches that embrace people. Visitors enjoy the shade while they rest under the tress that were planted by our founders and pioneers.

Separation Court

The Separation Court attempts to recall late Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s anguish of separation from Malaysia. Visitors immerse themselves into three cave-like spaces. A drop of water falls periodically from a steel spire into a pool of still water, forming ripples. In respective caves, one hears Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s battle for merger radio talks, rally speeches and the tearful speech when he proclaimed Singapore’s independence.

Court of the Fallen

This court commemorates all that has fallen while in service to the country. Each that has perished is represented by a vertical light rod that extends from basement to the roof.

Court of Land Construction

Singapore goes to great lengths to overcome land scarcity. This courtyard expresses the will to construct more land for a small island. Reinforcement bars extends out of an island and fills up the entire courtyard. Covered in glass, visitors are invited to walk across the courtyard to the island.

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